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Sampling in Czechia

We have prepared the following information as a helpful guide, but please note that it is intended for informational purposes only and comes with no guarantee of accuracy (although we have made every effort to ensure its reliability). To ensure compliance with the applicable legal requirements, we strongly advise all participants to verify their specific objectives and actions with the relevant legal documents. It is important to emphasize that the organizers of the BoB2023 conference cannot assume any responsibility for legal matters arising from the sampling of any biological material, whether during organized excursions or private trips, undertaken by conference participants. This information is based on the information provided by the Czech Entomological Society (
In general, the collection of insects and other invertebrates can be carried out legally in the Czech Republic and is not regulated by law as long as it occurs outside certain protected areas and does not involve specially protected species. Similarly, the possession, breeding, ownership, export, and import of insect specimens not protected by law are not prohibited in the Czech Republic. Therefore, a permit is not required for entomological work in the Czech Republic, with some exceptions to consider.
In the Czech Republic, insect collecting is primarily regulated by the Nature and Landscape Protection Act No. 114/1992, while the list of specially protected species is regulated by Decree 395/1992.

In general, the Nature and Landscape Protection Act prohibits the destruction, damage, collection, or capture of all animal species if such actions could endanger the existence of the species as a population or as a whole, lead to their degeneration, disrupt their reproductive capacity, cause the extinction of the population, or result in the destruction of the ecosystem in which they are a part. It is important to note, however, that this section does not specifically address the legality of entomological activities.

Prohibited activities related to entomology

It is prohibited to engage in activities such as collecting, possessing, handling, killing, exchanging, and similar actions involving any specially protected insect species. A list of these protected species is available at the following link:$FILE/odoimz-seznam_ZCHD-20220318.pdf. It is important to note that the current version of the law also forbids the export and import of specially protected species from abroad. Therefore, it is illegal in the Czech Republic to possess protected species collected from other countries, even if those species are not protected in the country where they were originally obtained.

Insect collecting, along with similar activities, remains prohibited in certain protected areas. Specifically, insect collecting is completely banned in three types of protected areas: national parks (NP), nature reserves (NR), and national nature reserves (NPR). Additionally, in the first zones of NPs and NPRs, movement and entry outside designated paths are also prohibited. In other types of protected areas such as CHKO, PP, NPP, or nature parks, insect collecting is generally not prohibited by law. However, it may be subject to restrictions imposed by the relevant nature conservation authority, as stated in the detailed conservation conditions of the specific area. Within landscape protected areas (CHKOs), similar to other regions, insect collecting is only permitted outside the boundaries of NPRs and NRs.

The boundaries of protected areas are indicated in the landscape by signs displaying the Czech national emblem along with the designation of the specific protected area. Additionally, small Specially Protected Areas (ZCHÚ) are marked with red stripes on trees. A single stripe indicates the boundaries of a protected area, while two stripes indicate the outer boundaries. It is also possible to locate the boundaries of all protected areas on tourist maps, such as the one available at this link:

Exceptions and permits

We regret to inform you that the BoB2023 conference organizers are unable to assist with permit applications. To obtain an exception for collecting protected species or conducting research in protected areas, it is necessary to submit an application to the appropriate competent authority. In the case of collecting specially protected species in the open countryside or in nature reserves (PRs) and national nature reserves (NPRs) outside of any protected landscape area (CHKO), the application should be made to the regional authority. For activities within protected areas administered by protected landscape areas (CHKO) or national parks (NPs), an application must be submitted to the administration of the respective CHKO or NP. Regrettably, we do not possess detailed instructions for these applications, and they should be discussed individually with the relevant offices.


Specially protected butterflies and moths in Czechia

Apatura ilia, Apatura iris, Boloria eunomia, Catocala electa, Coenonympha hero, Colias myrmidone, Colias palaeno, Erebia sudetica, Eriogaster catax, Euphydryas maturna, Hyles euphorbiae, Chazara briseis, Chelis maculosa, Iphiclides podalirius, Leptidea morsei, Limenitis camilla, Limenitis populi, Limenitis reducta, Lopinga achine, Lycaena dispar, Lycaena helle, Marumba quercus, Neptis rivularis, Neptis sappho, Nymphalis vaualbum, Papilio machaon, Parnassius apollo, Parnassius mnemosyne, Phengaris alcon, Phengaris arion, Phengaris nausithous, Phengaris teleius, Phragmatiphila nexa, Polyommatus eros, Proserpinus proserpina, Saturnia pyri, Watsonarctia casta, Zerynthia polyxena

Prohibited activities related to entomology
It is prohibited to collect, possess, handle, kill, exchange and other similar activities involving any specially protected insect species. A list of specially protected species is available here: XXX. Note that the current version of the law also prohibits the export, as well as the import, of specially protected species from abroad. Thus, under the current legislative conditions, it is illegal in the Czech Republic to possess protected species (e.g. the common hornbill - Lucanus cervus) collected abroad, despite the fact that this species is not protected in the country where the specimen was collected.
Insect collecting (and similar activities) is still prohibited in some protected areas. Insect collecting is completely banned in (1) national parks (NP); (2) nature reserves (NR); and (3) national nature reserves (NPR). Movement and entry outside designated paths is also prohibited in the first zones of NP and NPR.
In other types of protected areas (MPAs, PPs, NPs or nature parks), insect collecting is not generally prohibited by law, but may be prohibited by the relevant nature conservation authority in the more detailed conservation conditions of the area concerned. Within the MPAs, as in other areas, insect collecting is only allowed outside the NPs and PRs.
The boundaries of protected areas are marked in the landscape by signs with the Czech national emblem and the type of protected area. Small Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) are also marked in the landscape with red stripes on trees. The area with only one stripe indicates a protected area, the outer area is marked with two stripes. The boundaries of all protected areas can also be read on tourist maps (e.g. here -
Insect collecting in the Czech Republic is regulated mainly by the Nature and Landscape Protection Act No. 114/1992, the list of specially protected species is regulated by Decree 395/1992 Coll.
All species of animals are protected from destruction, damage, collection or capture that leads or could lead to a threat to the existence of these species (meant as a population or whole, not an individual) or to their degeneration, to the disruption of the reproductive capacity of the species, to the extinction of the population of the species or to the destruction of the ecosystem of which they are a part (§5, paragraph 1 of Decree No. 114/1992 Coll.). However, this section does not regulate the legality of entomological activities.
Exceptions and permits
Permission to collect protected species or to collect in protected areas is not readily available in the Czech Republic, along the lines of, for example, fishing licences, but it is possible to apply for an exemption from the law.
An application for an exemption must be submitted to the competent authority. For exemptions for collecting specially protected species in the open countryside and for collecting in PAs and NPRs that are not under the management of any protected area, this is the regional authority. For work in protected areas under the administration of a MPA or for work in a NP, an application must be made to the administration of the relevant MPA or NP, also in the case of collecting specially protected species.
An overview of all the requirements that must be included in the application for the relevant permit is available on the website of the Czech Nature Conservation Agency here -
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GUARANT International spol. s r.o.
Českomoravská 19, 190 00  Prague 9, Czech Republic
+420 284 001 444 |

© 2023 The Biology of Butterflies Conference Organisers